Springtime in the potager

1potager broad beans aprilThere are signs of growth. And not just the weedy variety. Here is the vegetable garden late in the afternoon.

The broad beans and peas are up. There are teensy beetroot seedlings. And radish. And even the little lettuce seedlings which self seed every year are poking up.

I love this time of year. And Artur just loves the fact there are still some bare bits of soft mulched soil he can roll on before all the plants come up.  Usually these antics are accompanied by me shrieking at him.1potager april 7

I even turned on the automatic watering system for the first time.  The batteries died after an hour but that’s fine.

I’ll work out how to reach the battery compartment in the gadget when I have some daylight hours to read the instuctions while in the back of the cellar.

So all is peaceful in the potager. I don’t even trip in the central axis when I walk down the rows. Progress.