Fruit tree surgery

weeded treesWeeding around the fruit trees; that was an early afternoon chore that yielded pleasing results. The weather isn’t balmy, but warm enough to shed a few fleeces while I attended to the orchard.

To my distress, the peach leaf curl is back again. That despite chopping down all the diseased peach trees up near the house two years ago. But it must lurk in the soil, despite my best efforts.   I spent a good bit of time picking off every infected leaf on the two trees – peach and nectarine.   The apple trees are unaffected. peach leaf curl 1

peach leaf curlI weeded around the area, rebuilt some of the wire supports, and generally made it look like a neat orchard again.   The three soft fruit trees were also tidied up. And I did the olives. No picture of those little trees – they disappear into the background of general weediness on that little bank.   But it gave me an idea for a later project: remove most of the accumulated soil from the olive tree bank and sort out the levels in the east garden lawn.