Rakish behaviour

wheelbarrowsUnder grey and threatening skies, I have raked like billy-o. First up Jean Daniel’s future potager. A close cropping of the grass, and then a carpet of three of my largest weed proof fabrics. They will go down for the summer (and hopefully not get blown away). JD potager

I need to remove the big tree, but can’t shift it on my own.   I managed the branches but have to put that on the to do list later this month.   But I must go back up with my wire cutters and get rid of the last random fencing.   But I was on a roll with the rake. So went down to the duck pond. JD potager 1

duck pond mownIt aint pretty close up, but from a distance is looks like a rough bit o lawn.   I raked, then actually went down and hauled out the mower to get an even closer crop.   I’ll leave it for a bit and see what happens.

The wildflowers are just starting to come out on the edge of the lawn, that was a fetching sight as I wheeled my overflowing barrow all the way up to the top potager. Za chyem? Because I am using the big strimmings as a mulch to cover the weed proof mulch. Overkill? Well it may look prettier.

wildflowers mayOne good thing about all this raking; I am looking more carefully at trees and my surroundings as I have to stretch in between heroic scrapes of the rake.   And I can’t believe that the mirabelles have so much fruit already. They produced so much last year I just assumed this year the poor trees will be having a rest.   But it looks quite promising right now. Tiny little fruitlets. mirabelles

Right. A light luncheon and then out with the sturdy barrow again to collect all the horse manure on the lower terraces. Oh joy.