Spot the olives
Don’t you just love the shortcomings of digital photography? And those who wield the shutter. Try as I might there is no way I could convince you there are four healthy but small olive trees lurking here on this terrace.
Below the plums (and the endless suckers) and above the track that leads to the orchard. And just to the right of the large established olive tree we inherited.
They survived being snowed on this winter and a blasting of cold weather. They are now being slowly killed by the hot summer. But I am attentively watering every ten days or so. But even more often now that I can actually see them from among the thicket of weeds.
I have a list of chores to do; and they all revolve around where the sun will be at any particular time of day. Had to get the olive terrace weeded before 10am and the sun became too fierce. (I am half an hour behind schedule, but it’s just raking and dumping the cuttings in the new compost pit behind the stables.)
And of course watering before breakfast. Before the sun heats up the potting shed I want to sow a lot of next year’s flower seeds. And then by lunch when I will be hiding, it will be washing the tomato seeds time. (They have been soaking in water for three days.) And writing, and doing day job stuff.
And finally if all goes well I will move to the lilac garden in the late afternoon and get things weeded and fed. Plans, so full of promise.