Rolling stones

river stonesWell, the river stones are on the move again.   They are leaving the strawberry bed and are going to reside on the north side of the potting shed.   And it shows just how much this garden and this gardener has evolved.   Three years ago I would have shoveled them into a wheelbarrow and hauled a very heavy weight all the way up to the top of the property.   And shoveled and wheeled until the job was done.

Chronic sciatica put paid to that sort of activity.   A year ago I would have used yet more of my savings and paid someone else to do them.   And this year I do it myself, but in a completely different way.   Slow and steady doesn’t win the race but it saves on physiotherapy visits and trips to the whisky bottle to deaden the pain.

lawn 1I’ve spent just over an hour trudging up with two buckets at a time.   And I’ve managed about 26 loads.   I have hours more to do, but that’s fine. I’m just going to have to make time and get it done. lawns first mow

And a date for the record books: the lawn has had its first mow of the year. Break out the bubbly. I need all the grass clippings for a mulch, so bring it on.