New York under snow


This was supposed to be shots of me on the High Line, admiring the permanent planting display in early spring.

Err, no.  I arrived in New York on Monday night to dire warnings about an incoming blizzard.  Snow Day Tuesday. Schools closed, the UN shut, most of New York hunkering down.

ny pelhamAnd out in Pelham where my dear friends Karen and Steve live, this was Tuesday’s garden walk.  More snow shovel than plant photo snapping.

And Steve is a keen gardener and I was keen to see what he had done to his pretty Pelham plot.

ny barberInstead it was a perfect opportunity to catch up on 14 years of missed conversation and chat with a dear friend from my Moscow days. The High Line was closed for all three days of my visit.

ny grapesWe ventured into New York on Wednesday -it was a bit of a wade over the frozen snow and slush.  But I marched and marched and ogled and admired.

Bookshops visited, the Morgan Library scoured from end to end for a serious cultural binge (Emily Dickinson manuscripts).  I ate and ate, and discovered these wacky Moon Drop grapes.  I didn’t taste them but my, they do look odd.

Mainly it was just a chance to catch up with lovely mates whom I have missed.

And out at the farm they have finished the west walls of the main house.  Looking very glam indeed. I must find out if their lacerations from all the rose scratches have healed.
