Lovely gluts
Why is glut such an unattractive word? I was thinking that as I was wading in through the jostaberry bushes this morning, picking and picking and picking.
It is fantastic bounty. And all I have to do is be creative about processing it.
So far these berries (a cross between gooseberries and black currants) have been turned into pots and pots of jam, cake, two rather splendid tarts.
And if I have time, I’ll make jostabery cordial tomorrow as well.
17th July 2012 @ 9:50 pm
Do you remember that (uniquely) fabulous dessert the Russians do of sweetening black currants and then spooning the mixture generously over their homemade cheese? (domaschnee sir). Outstandingly good. You could possibly do the same thing with you wonderful French goat cheese…just a thought.
18th July 2012 @ 7:32 am
That’s a great idea. We do eat the compote (kompot) with fromage blanc which is a runnier version of domaschnee syr for breakfast. It’s such a wonderful combination.