Hiding under the walnut tree

I was trying to work out where Artur was sleeping during the day.   He wasn’t in his usual spot among the festuca grasses in the shade garden. So after a bit of a search I gave up.   And was just planning to do a spot of weeding under the walnut tree, when the grasses parted. And out popped Artur.

He came out for cuddles three more times today, but is perfectly camoflaged that I bet anyone else passing wouldn’t have ever noticed him.

If you look very carefully you can see him hidden in the grass. But if he doesn’t give himself away by yowling or purring then he is just another bit of wildlife.

I hadn’t seen him at all yesterday so was a little concerned. We are moving into green lizard season where he gets poisoned by the toxic lizards.   (He never learns.)  But this morning first thing he appeared when I started watering.

And that’s a relief.   He even sat in the soft fruit orchard while I was watering and caught and ate a mouse.   A good mouser that cat. He naturally wanted me to give him extra special attention after his heroic mousing deeds.   But I wasn’t going for any mouse breath moment.

Besides, I had a lot of watering to do.