
forlornHe’s not a happy bunny.  Poor Artur.  He has had one of those days when he followed me from early morning to afternoon and I just refused to sit still.

The closest I came was a cup of tea on the chaise longue. But I had my to Do list with me and saw a chance to plant out some lettuce and the cucumber and I was off.

Followed shortly afterwards by You Know Who.

The potager is filling out nicely.  But there’s always room for a few dozen more of everything.  I do love this new metre wide bed system.

I seem to have so much more space, even though there are paths everywhere.  I’m grateful to Joy Larkcom for suggesting it. It was an inspirational winter reading. planting out lettuce

And luckily the weather was overcast so planting wasn’t even a worry, no watering. Hurrah.

But I did have a watering session with the new treees up above the courtyard.  And managed to forget to haul the hose all the way down to the orchard. Oops.

Time to do it tomorrow? We shall see. I want to do a final weed of the potager paths and that could take more time than I expect. And plant up the courtyard planters with alyssum.

happy on lapAnd. And. And. Actually it’s all coming together nicely now.  I have just two more nights of worrying about the hare getting into the potager and eating all the veg. But I should have time later this week to cut chestnut sticks and make a more elaborate fence.

That should be fun.