Do not go gentle into that good night
Back on the building site. Back in the disaster zone.
I arrived in the gloom yesterday afternoon and I almost wished I didn’t do a lap.
This farm is still a mess. There is just so much major work everywhere I looked.
And it is not helped by having buildng work happening at the same time.
The team seem to have sprouted extra bits of random tools and machines all over the east garden.
But that’s all in a good cause; the renovation of the cellar is racing along.
And I mustn’t grumble too much as Manu and Narnar have cleared so much of the courtyard.
I left the pictures of the courtyard in all its messy state before I travelled.
So here is the new look. Cleared. A bit muddy and a sort of a blank canvas.
They managed to get all the mixed gravel pushed to one side of the courtyard.
And the pile of sandy soil has grown alarmingly. I don’t dare think about the work I need to do to get that pile onto potager paths. It’s definitely going to be warm up in mid winter task.
There was one lovely surprise: I now have a gravelled path all the way to the potting shed. Again.
Well, I have a spanking new path which has a stone wall on one side. That’s a bonus.
But if I’m really feeling sorry for myself, that’s the only bonus.
That’s the trouble with all this new look farm. I liked the old look well enough and wasn’t trying to do anything more than plotting extra landscaping and planting. Not rebuilding.
So I felt flat.
But nothing to do but light a blazing fire, put on the electric blanket and plan the chores. One chore at a time.