Dawn to dusk

euphorbia and irisI decided not to close the bedroom shutters last night just to see when dawn would arrive.   And I was rewarded with a piercing cheerful sunburst just after six this morning.   But I’m not that keen, I didn’t get up until seven.

Mind you the day is going to be warm, over 20C, so everything I can get done early will be good.   I beetled about making up vases of flowers for Daniele – tulips, lilacs, some allysum, daffodils.   And one with some garish orange wallflowers which I won’t bother with next year. euphorbias

I snuck them up to her back door so that she can wake up to a forest of blooms.   (Jean Daniel had gone out early to look after the horses).

filling the potting shedAnd I cut a few for myself.   These euphorbias really need something else, but the lilacs really are over and I don’t think the vase could take the weight of the cow parsley which is just coming out.  I did add three irises for the vase at the front door. That breaks up the relentless green a bit.

Then I spent a merry hour putting everything back into the potting shed and giving all the pots and trays a good drink.   Tedious work, but at least I know the calabert is a good place in an emergency for seedlings. beans after a week away

And now it’s a cup of tea, a brief pause and I think I will plant out the beans before it gets too hot. They are fit to burst out of their pots.


beaNSDone. Lovely to get the runner and climbing beans in.   It’s a fantastically crowded little part of the vegetable garden. But better that than a weed fest.