Committing (to) a fence

the fenceFor years it has been the question: to fence or not to fence the potager.  I generally forget about the dilemma until some wild animal or other gets into the garden and devours the entire crop of swiss chard, lettuce or whatever tasty delectable takes their fancy.

It’s usually deer, or the hare. (We don’t count Artur who is more than capable of lying on small seedlings and squishing them flat; at least he isn’t a voracious feeder.)

But having the photo shoot last week (goodness, last week already, I’ve barely recovered) meant I saw the garden and vegetable garden as one unit.  No nets.

And it looked charming and much less strategic. No longer would one have to lift the not quite high enough net and launch into the undergrowth at a stoop.  Harvesting was always more of a lunge and grab than a meander around the paths. front on fence

And now I have paths.

So with Leslie’s design, I’m making a start. I have to secure the vegetable garden at one end quite close to the potager.  It’s a logical dividing line between vegetables and lawn.  But luckily I have placed the other palisade (not enough consonants in the English spelling) further back near the lavenders, so one has the illusion of an open side.

works supervisorFlimsy chestnut uprights attached with wrapped wire. It could look neater.  But for now I’ll get it up and see how sturdy it is.  the tricky bit is to make it deer proof, hare proof but allow an elderly cat egress at the same time.  And I’m yet to find out whether the deer can shoulder charge the entire structure and bring it down.

It’s getting a good testing with the wind. A strong southerly. Which for us means hot weather from the south and a direct blast of wind.

Right now it has curves, but I’m not convinced of the aesthetic. I may make them all one height. pivoine

But I need to go and water the seedlings in the potting shed first. I have put the greenhouse shading one which helps; but it’s still warm in there.

At least it means I can walk past my peonies and swoon. The second one is just starting to come out. Heavenly.