A break in the weather
This lull won’t last so it’s going to be a quick post. We have have had raging storms with 80km per hour gusts. Electricty out, no phones, no internet. But best of all. Rain. The rain gauge has never been so busy. A full inch of rain yesterday and there will be more today. I am delighted.
I am not so delighted with my elderly gardening companion. This is not helpful.
Of all the places in the potting shed to stretch out, this was the worst. Poor seedlings. Luckily they are the spares and I have plants growing merrily in larger pots. But if he climbs onto those he will be skinned.
Well, shouted at. Spoken to harshly.
There has been very little one can do in this weather. I am peeling the petals off honesty most of the time. It’s a great in the potting shed chore which means I can enjoy the howling gale and the lashing rain in some comfort.
This batch is for Leslie who might come over this afternoon. But I’m not sure. There are bound to be trees down in this storm; and she may by boxed in. Neither of us have phone connections right now so we shall see.
At least I’ve baked a quince and apple cake and two batches of flapjacks just in case I see them wading up the hill later.
One thing we have been able to get a start on is the autumn lawn work.
Boy does it need work. With David’s help I have scarified, raked and spiked like mad. Well, I’ve been up for the spiking. And you can see where we have got to. Actually since this picture was taken we are more than half way.
But it has been in between squalls and lashing horizontal rain. So I didn’t want to risk the camera in the wet.
Still. Almost there and this rain is just perfect for restoring a compacted and sorry lawn. See, grass and gardener. We are both happy.
But I won’t tempt fate by rattling on. Time to post this and wait for the next power failure and getting on with making my own batch of sage and oatmeal soap.