Trois gouttes

pannicum gardenI have come indoors while the heavens open onto a very minor drizzle. Actually drizzle is ambitious. I would say we are having what the French call ‘trois gouttes’. Three drops of rain.

I have been euphorbia hunting this afternoon.   The euphorbia wulfennii which I planted three years ago is a fantastic garden plant.   And it self sows everywhere. Which means if I can get it in time before the tap root really descends deep, then I get plants for free. euophorbia hunting

The self sown one in the pannicum garden was the first to go; it’s just frankly wrong as a colour. Too khaki for the delicate greens of the late season of ornamental grasses in this part of the garden.

And then it was a question of plodding about in the vegetable garden and terrace beds with a deep fork.

euphorbia plantedI’ve potted them up and will let them sit and stew in their pots and see if they take.   And then around Christmas I’ll put them out. Simple!

Another simple garden event this afternoon was to pot up some cylamens I fell for at the market this morning at Vernoux.   I was going to go for pansies, but at least with cyclamens you can plant them out in the garden after they have finished flowering.   Well that’s the plan. cyclamens

cyclamen detailNow I’ll have to do something dull like housework as my plan for sorting outo the cabbage bed has just been thwarted by a spot of dampness.