The potager in spring
Yes there is a garden under here. I just have to wait until it melts to find it.
I’ve waited five weeks; and will have to be patient for one more day.
That’s the frustration of this sudden snow storm that hit the Ardèche two days ago. It came otu of nowhere.
The temperatures were steadily heading springward – and will be 15C today. But things like this can really throw out the plans of this keen gardener.
And lets not forget the damage this early spring very heavy snow can cause.
Pool cover number three.
The snow protection devices we installed didn’t.
Insurance claims? You have to be kidding.
But on the good side of the return. I have germinated seeds in the potting shed.
The broad beans and peas are up. And I seem to have a good crop of small brassica seedlings.
I must admit that I didn’t look too carefully at the crops. I was rather searching out for Artur.
There was no sign of him. Not even little cat footprints in the heavy snow.
So today I will need to go hunting for him. I think I’ll check the warm fireplace in the kitchen up at Jean Daniel’s.
And other jobs on the agenda today- trying to see how much snow damage I have. There are all the box shrubs under the wisteria in the east garden which looked bowed down by heavy snow.
The huge rosemary in the herb garden might not re-emerge after the heavy pressure of a foot of snow lying on its branches.
Things always look worse until the snow melts.
As does my mood.