
first poppiesNow that’s the weather one yearns for.   Sunny, no wind, barely a breeze and the only thing in the air is the scent of wisteria blossom. Perfect. I even had to take my shoes and socks off when I vacuumed the pool. The heat coming up from the tiles was impressive. But then the ants found my toes and I had to bid a hasty retreat. But at least I tried. I like these ‘firsts’.   First shoes off, first poppies in the wildflower garden, first bight of sunburn on the back of the neck. I shan’t go on. pool end may

sowing squashSowing seeds this morning wasn’t a first. But a necessary start to the day as I had lost so many squash.   So in went winter squash, and then spinach and beetroot, both red and white varieties. I hadn’t planned on sowing more, but after weeding the radish and beetroot bed I was amazed at how poor the germination in the ground actually was. Not the radish, they are like weeds, but the beetroot.   So in went another forty up in their little warm incubated trays and here’s hoping.

brassicas top plotI also managed to get some proper netting for the brassicas up at the top vegetable garden: and not before time. I spotted my first cabbage white butterfly today. Pests.

But no sign of deer or hare or any other critter. It’s that eery calm when you think you are going to be predator free this year.   In fact the only predator in the broad bean area is me. I just can’t resist pinching the tips and scoffing endless juicy leaves.

broad beans end mayIn the afternoon it actually felt too hot to work. But this being only day two of the weeding frenzy I just took myself off to the shade garden and worked my way in.

It’s exciting how healthy so many of the once spindly plants are this year. I have towering digitalis (complete with healthy affliction of black fly), lupins, gladiolus, geraniums galore, and thalictrum that are almost as tall as me.   Well, that’s an exaggeration, but the wet weather this month has coaxed a growth spurt that would make anyone proud.   To help them further I have cleared out a lot of weeds lurking underneath. That pesky sticky long plant that winds its way everywhere. Most effective in getting me to curse and walk about with tendrils sticking to my shoes. shade garden weeded

shade garden plantsNext up I shall take some santolina cuttings and maybe try some more gauras as well. I need to bulk out my plants and the seeds I have sown are a week or so off pricking out at least.