Spring scenes
I thought I might take my camera for a walk today and show you around the garden.
I actually had mowing in mind first thing. But it was too glorious in the early morning sunshine to do anything but walk about. The birdsong is absurdly loud.
And I always dread taking the mower down to the lower terraces.
Down there be dragons.
Well, lots of annoying prunellier, blackthorn. And small self-seeded cherries, chestnuts and oaks which are trying to get established. And they need controlling.
Part of me would love to leave it wild but it would undo eleven years of work. So mow I go.
And if you were ever looking for a whole body workout – may I suggest mowing on steep slope with a heavy lawnmower that threatens to plummet over the edge of the terraces at a moment’s inattention. That and keeping an eagle eye out for hidden rocks. Lots of those under the thick grass.
Still. It has to be done. So off I go.