Pergola reconstruction
Oh look it doesn’t lean anymore.
Dare I say that the final job around the main part of the farmhouse is now complete?
Eleven years of pretty relentless restoration work and I can look around and say ‘yep, it’s done.’
The last mystery pile of builder’s sand has been wheelbarrowed away. And yes, it has only gone to the very far end of the parking area and is hidden under a green tarp. But it is not piled up in the barn.
Random bits of wood have been stored where all random bits of wood go to brood (down in the stables).
It’s clean and tidy and now all I need is for the vines to leap into their mad annual growth and hide the unsightly white electrical tubing that runs along the side of the pergola.
The old pergola supports (chestnut) have been recycled to the potager edges. Some of them weighed so much I had to beg for help to shift them. But I was determined to say farewell to any ‘projects’ cluttering the space.
Two of the old supports were rotting rather fast. I swear the pergola didn’t lean this rakishly this time last year. I could go back through my files and check… but really? It’s Spring? Things to do.
No time to stay indoors and look at the laptop. There is a whole mountainside just pushing into lush growth.
And I might just sit outside here under the vines and admire the view and the new chetnut poles and the vast expanse of mountains in front. And the tidy courtyard behind.