Spring flowers
All hail the purissima tulips. Barely has the world decided that Spring is finally here and up they come.
These ones are in pots which I have just dragged into the shade garden.
They were stacked against the outside wall of the potting shed all winter and the endless snow doesn’t seem to have affected them.
And have a look at the little surprises I walk past endless times a day on my way to the shed.
I’m going with species tulip. Because I have no idea what I planted.
I ordered a large selection of alliums this years from Andrew. And I thought these were allium atropurpureum.
But no. It seems species tulips snuck into the lovely brown paper packet.
They are fetching. If very, very bright.
And they clash ‘nicely’ (not) with my sea of muscari.
Oh well.
I have zillions of those lovely little bulbs all over the garden. I could try and lie down and take elegant close ups of them. But that would be too far to scrabble to the ground.
So have a bowl at waist height instead.
Most years my tulips conk out after just one season. Which is why I have reduced my stock from the glory years of yore. But this is a surprise.
I wonder what is going to emerge. This bed sits in front of the lavender bank and I can assure you I have done nothing at all to care for, replant, or generally fuss.
I actually thought the little mole rats were rife in here so I just turned away from it and attended elsewhere.
There’s a message there about planned neglect. But excuse me while I pick some narcissus bridal crown and then go and fuss and fidget over some seeds.
8th April 2018 @ 5:23 pm
Just lovely! A select few of ours are just now starting to poke their heads above ground so your photos are a welcome delight!
11th April 2018 @ 9:26 pm
After our long winter it is a miracle anything is green and lush. I had forgotten.