Sorted orchard

A two day toil.   All this work for five trees.

But actually I am delighted with the results.   I had thought it was just a matter of strimming like mad and doing a mow.

But I had a redesign in mind.

And it’s almost there.

First I had to remove the two dead apple trees. I’m baffled as to why they died and have to think hard about replanting. I will be buying one year old scion apple trees from a local Ardeche supplier. An apple expert who is a fan of old Cevennes varieties.

But not just yet. I love gardening when you get way ahead of yourself. You start with strimming and digging up dead things and already you are harvesting a new crop.

The other major redesign was the deer proof barriers around the trees.

They had outgrown their purpose. The trees grew and I found that I couldn’t do any quick weeding or mulching throughout the year as it was so well sealed.

So this is my new design: a square corral and the new fencing just at knee height.   The only predator (for now) is deer and they wont scrabble under the barrier to get at the juicy leaves.

I’ve done one barrier and have three to go. But I ran out of stakes.

Luckily I have a great place for my rakings from the huge mowing and strimming work. A thick mulch around the base of each tree.

I disturbed a small (well tiny) snake last night at dusk in the mulch.   So it’s going to be a wonderful haven for wildlife.   And hopefully happier fruit.

And then there was the playful question of what to do with all the stone.

These came out of the surrounds of each tree. But mowing wasn’t easy when you were wondering just where the rocks were under the mulch.   So out they came.

And now by the end of day two I can say they have been moved. I very carefully packed mini wheelbarrow loads and trudged back and forth to the wall near the stables taking care not to carry too many.

So all is well.