Roses in bloom
The Gertrude Jekylls are starting to bloom. So that’s great news. I have been spending a bit of time at the planters in the courtyard squishing grubs and small aphids. And watering. But only now have the buds plumped up and the first ones are out. Just two blooms so far, but they are very reliable roses, so I’m hoping for an absurd display any day now.
I even have a few rosa rugosa blooming in the hedge.
These wild roses are much prized in England, but this climate is not kind to these flowers. They bloom so fleetingly and the bushes rarely bulk out and put on good growth. So they remain as a novelty while all around them the rest of the mixed hedge romps away.
And there are two other roses on the farm which I inherited. The unnamed ones in the courtyard. They are blooming valiantly. They have a faint scent, flower once, and then just cling on to the wall in a fey way for the rest of the year.
So I need to applaud their stalwart work even if it lasts just ten days.
The other wild rose lives outside the guest house – hidden in the long grass and usually strimmed to the ground when I subcontract out the strimming. But some years I have neglected to clear the ground and been suprised to see a rambling rose – pale pink, poking through the thigh high grass.
I tidied up the clump over winter and planned to properly corral the rambler so that it would climb into the ailing cherry tree. And then forgot to finish the job.
So I’ve missed my chance. The grass has grown and swamped the base of the plants. I strimmed very carefully around the thicket (very unphotogenic I fear) and will have roses in the grass. But it looks a bit punk with cleared grassy areas all around, and a tuft of madness on top.