Raspberry therapy
Woke too early worrying about chimney sweeps, pool colour, electricity dramas and all sorts of negative woes. Happens sometimes, but just have to write a long list and work through it. I thought getting a chocolate fix at Vernoux would be a good start. That and a lovely fresh loaf of perfect bread. Shouldn’t have been surprised to find the bakers shut. Forgot it was Monday.
Nothing to do but come home, change into work clothes, march up to the top vegetable patch and scoff raspberries.
Restored; time to use the old tarpaulin that has been holding the stone sand temporarily place it over a future flower bed up near the potting shed. Nothing like planning for next years gardening to cheer oneself up.
And then it was down to the lower terrace below the pool and plant some grass seedlings. This bank needs stabilising.
And quite frankly this is the weirdest type of -gardening- I have ever done. More like putting bits of decoration on a sloping cake. Will these little grasses stick? I have planned for this garden to stay in place for a few days before the next rain comes. Predicted for Thursday. And I may need to put in some sort of protection to stop the whole lot of work to wash away in the next dribble of rain.
Nicolas has arrived to do a mighty strim. Now that’s great news. See, some things cheer. Plus a large vase full of cleome and nicotiana flowers. The perfume is odd but evocative.