Quincely cuttings

pruned quincesNow here’s a first. The quince trees have had their first prune. Well more than prune. They have been sorted.

Nicolas needed to take a break from a continual eight hours of stone lifting, so I suggested he attack the quince trees.   And attack he did.   I didn’t even know we had these quince trees in the first season, so overgrown they were with brambles, and not flowering or fruiting very much at all.   Last year they barely produced any decent fruit at all, despite the rest of the fruit trees producing such a bounty of produce. quince before

quince afterI barely go up to this very steep bank in the east garden as it’s just so difficult to get to them.   But I have been feeding them more than before (ie never) and asked Nicolas to have a go at reducing all the growth and actually turning them into cared for trees.   There are 12 trees in all. I had to walk outside to count them. I can never remember. And they are now much neater and promising.

Naturally I am left to pick up all the quince prunings, but that’s fine; I just have to add them to my chipping stick mountain.   Another chore to achieve this week.   But if the weather is set to keep on warming up I’m itching to do more creative gardening than just pushing sticks through the chipper. quince prunings