Pretty mysterious
I love a surprise. And here’s one. Goodness only knows what this plant is. I shall have to send the image to Andrew to see if he can work it out. I found it while weeding in the pool garden area. A much neglected place if I couldn’t spot something as garish and girlie pink as this.
Back in the garden today as the builders took the weekend off.
I started with a spot of daff planting. Not as easy as it’s written. About fifty of the narcissus Thalias went into the end of the east garden, and about twenty under the letter boxes down at the road. It should be a nice surprise come spring time. If the wild boar don’t grub them up first. I hope they aren’t poisonous to the critters.
And then I had planned to put lots up in the newly cleared shade garden. A place where once a thicket of mirabelle trees stood. But naturally I couldn’t just launch in and bury bulbs. I had to do a bit of landscaping first. And then was distracted by the three huge tubs of lily bulbs that should have been lifted a month ago. Out they came and into the dry.
And then I had to decide. To mulch with gravel or not. It’s a huge undertaking and I pondered long and hard before I realised that it’s going to make the entire garden area more cohesive and more attractive. I just dread the amount of work involved.
But start I did. And I think it will look attractive once it’s done. The best thing is that it will be a good guide to where all the bulbs have to go. So I shall mulch around the plants and the bulb areas. And then once this back is sorted out, start on the rest of the area. Those two cubic metres of gravel will be gone in no time.