Powered up and ready for the off

artur in new boxGoodness, 9am already. But I feel like I’ve done a full day’s work.  A 7am start meant I had time to do a load of laundry, put away a teetering stack of clothes, clean the kitchen, dishwash, stock the firewood, light a roaring fire, check my emails, call Dad for his birthday, read blogs. And have pots and pots of perfect tea (mariage freres earl grey silver tips – the tipple of choice for the past 25 years).

Nothing beats starting the day well. I don’t know if unpasteurised Cambembert on toast quite qualifies. But it tasted delicious.  And the bread was my favourite rye from Madame Courtial.

So the List is done and I just need to leave the comfort of the fire and head to the potting shed.  I want to try and get all the perennials cut back today.   And make a good go of moving and transplanting grasses.

Tomorrow will be my seed sowing and shed day as rain is predicted.  But today looks set to be gorgeous and 13C so what am I doing typing? Time to get out and find that cat, climb into the kneelers and the gloves and get going.