Pickled figs
I’m starting to dread the trip to the compost heap. I get thwacked by the branches as I walk past.

So many figs! And that is not a boast. It’s more a lament.
I simply cannot make any more jam. (Glass jam jar shortage.) Or freeze any more buckets of the beasts. The freezer is groaning.
All the neighbours are similarly afflicted, so I can’t even give them away.

And I feel so bad that I am leaving them to rot on the tree.
I could, at a pinch, make more jam. One more batch. And I have kept back a few kilos to make chutney when the mood strikes. And when I track down my favourite sized 104 ml jars.
But reaching Peak Fig is what I declare.
And to celebrate the almost end of the fig season I give you this.

Figs pickled in vinegar, sugar, fennel, all spice berries, thyme, bay leaves and Szechuan pepper leaves.
The recipe calls for peppercorns. But I find that unless you crush them (and who hasn’t seen a peppercorn merrily ping off the worktop and skitter under the fridge mid crush?) they don’t impart much flavour.

So instead I carefully picked off leaves from my Szechuan pepper plant (ouch, spikes) and added them to the mix.

But the name just doesn’t do the fruit justice. I prefer what I am going to label them in French.
Figues aigres-douces.

I may not be able to give away the fresh fruit, but these will go down a treat for Christmas.
Bring on the next Fête des Voisins.
9th September 2022 @ 4:13 pm
What a great idea! My mouth is watering… Sadly it’s a recipe I’m very unlikely to be able to try unless climate change takes a dramatic turn or I move somewhere warmer. I learnt recently that in Turkey dried figs aren’t produced by picking the fruit and sun-drying them but by leaving them to dry on the tree, picking them from the ground when they fall, already half-dried, then completing their drying cycle in the sun. I had no idea. So perhaps your ‘rotting on the tree’ figs might turn into something edible after all?
26th September 2022 @ 3:47 pm
An extremely good idea to pickle the glut as even by mid September the price has rocketed in the markets €9 a kilo in Aix last week and eek €18 in Orléans this week! Wish my Devon fig would have a go at fruiting…..
28th September 2022 @ 2:18 pm
That Devon fig didn’t fruit with the heat of summer? Rats!