Now these are rhododendrons

IMG_0240The storm clouds are brewing out there; so I fear I’m not going to get much gardening done today. Well, I will go out, but I will probably get a drenching.

I do have lots of gaura plants to pot on. So that might the only not madly photogenic event of the day.

Instead I bring you a photo from afar. A lot of you will recognise it. It’s from Mt Irvine, Blue Mountains in Australia. I hope the Scrivs won’t mind me posting it.

But if you own a small tame rhododendron in a small garden, then see what they can do if left to grow and grow and grow in a mild wet climate. IMG_0239

Aren’t they amazing?

And here is the waratah growing beside the cottage wall. That makes me weep with envy. My favourite flower! One I will never, ever be able to grow in our French mountain climate.

I hope Robyn has cut a huge bunch and has a vase full of them indoors so she can gaze and gaze at the incredible structure and instense red colour. I might ask her to take a detailed photograph so you can see its amazing shape.

Do I have flower envy? Oh yes indeed.