More garden maintenance
Dare I admit this is rather fun? I do so love playing about in the dirt. Or in this case – gorgeous garden soil.
I thought you might like to see an update. And as it is the only job I have been attacking since last week, that’s what you get to see.
I’ve dug over the entire area.
And uncovered hilarious thick roots from the ash tree nearby. I had to get David to haul two of the mightiest of the roots – I just couldn’t shift them on my own.
And swung on the bulldog fork to uproot almost 100 bramble roots. Well, it felt like that. I am not so sad that I actually counted them.
But I have uprooted a whole hillside of the beasts.
And speaking of beasts. Look who comes to inspect my work each morning. He is an utter pest. But in that adorable way I tend to love. He insists on picking his way across the damp soil (it’s grey and almost wet here) and then leaping on to my lap for a cuddle.
I get about five minutes before I really need to shove him off. And look down on some very muddy footprints all over my jeans. I don’t want to lose the momentum and let him settle down for a snooze. This weeding lark is just too consuming.
I have a plan for the slope behind the area I weeded. It is about five feet deep and thirty feet long. It will be inside the fence (when I get round to fencing the area) but needs covering. Possibly in the same black plastic. I can’t spend my time strimming the slope, so it will be back to the prison of plastic. But at least the area that was covered is now ready for crops rather than just collecting mess.