Miscanthus summer display

1eragpoolbankfloweringAt least it stays green. When all around you is getting more and more parched, just feasting your eyes on my miscanthus wall is a relief.

And with the underground spring just at the base of this steep bank, it stays green and tall all summer long.

I have been forced to cheat and actually put the sprinkler on the lawn in attempt to keep the illusion of green. I’ve done it for a few late evenings now and it does look better.

But pan above and left of the miscanthus and you will see the paler colour of the eragrostis grass.

It is in flower now. Or should I say, in panicle.  And that means I will keep a close eye on the ripening of the seeds over the next month to make sure I get a good harvest. poolbankdetail

I’ve never seen it in flower this early. But then African lovegrass seems to like these southern African conditions right now.

I have made a slight design error. I have planted the grasses quite close to the paths and the steps.

And with the panicles weighted down with the seeds, you have to brush past a canopy of the lovely grasses as you walk up from the pool.

That won’t be fun in wet weather. You risk getting your trousers drenched as you pass.

But then what on earth is wet weather? Haven’t seen it all summer.
