Meet the angophora family


You know that dread moment at a party when you meet someone for the first time.  A distant cousin; an uncle of a friend. And they tell you with the slow no breaking eye contact concentration that they are ‘quite interested in trains’. Or ‘have a rather good collection of bottle openers’.

fullsizerenderI’ve become one of those.

Tree bark. Eucalyptus trees. Just about anything in the angophora family.  I’m a bark bore.

I am just back from my daily walk – this time around Seaforth streets – and it may feel like a long fast walk. But actually I keep stopping to snap shots of yet more trees.


Someone must think I’m ogling the houses. But having had the extraordinary privilege of growing up round here, the stonking big architectural statements are less thrilling than meeting up with a favourite tree again.


Eucalyptus flowering. I had to reach up and pull down a branch and try and photograph it at the same time.  And I can’t believe my restraint. Were no one watching I might have nabbed this blossom and whipped it home and shoved it in a vase.

But I was just at the start of my walk and would have looked A Bit Silly. Or a bit of a looter.


Here is yet another wild creature in the bush I met on my walk. You can call it a Brush Turkey, or a Bush Turkey. They are very much in charge. I was rather stalking it to try and get a shot which annoyed the bird. But not enough to run away shrieking.

fullsizerenderAnd speaking of shrieking, back to my bird feeding. Click on the link below.
