Self seeding euphorbias

1euphorbias walnut pathFor safety reasons, please read my later blog posts about how to prune them safely.

Pruning euphorbias

Meet my weeds. Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii. A bit of a mouthful; especially as I usually just call them my euphorbs. They are a wonderful plant.

But they do like to travel.

I started out with five little teensy plants and I put them in the herb garden. They are still there, but not the originals.  They have self seeded with tremendous abandon since then.

And once I even heard them exploding when the seeds were ripe. It was like a tiny rifle shot, multiplied by one hundred. Or a thousand.

And since then I have been able to help myself to an endless number of free plants. If they land in a suitable spot, I let them go and thrive. I pull them up if they are in absurdly wrong spots – such as the paths of the potager. 1euphorb under olive

And sometimes I just turn my back and a shrub takes over half the garden.

That’s what happened right underneath the olive tree in among the lavenders. Cheeky plant. But you have to admire its tenacity and ability to take root so well.

In springtime the plants throw up the most fantastic acid green bracts. Gorgeous colour that makes you gasp when you round a corner and suddenly see the glow.

At the end of this month (or the next if I’m too busy) I will cut them back hard. And get to enjoy the dark green foliage for the rest of the year.