Iris colours

I can’t resist. Here is a Sunday photo essay of colour. First up the ones in my garden.  And yes, there is a lot of icky yellow here. But they make a nice contrast with the stunning maroon ones beside them.

iriscoloursThe yellow ones are so absurdly overbred they are top heavy and just droop at the sign of any rain or gust of wind.

I ought to go up and cut them back. But the most I have done is actually mark up the purple, maroon ones so that I can try and multiply them this summer.  They have a little label attached to their base. Aren’t I clever.

Now all I need to do is remember to lift them as soon as they have flowered and pot them up. They are a bit crowded here in the barn garden.

I went down to visit Andrew this week. A reckless event to do during a fuel shortage. But gardeners will understand that a four hour round trip to have a lovely lunch and a great afternoon exploring a good friend’s fabulous garden is worth the trip.

And the roads were marvellously clear owing to the rest of the Ardèche population wisely rationing their petrol. It’s a good thing no one stopped me and demanded ‘is this journey really necessary?’.

But I bring you back these gems to remember that Andrew grow amazing iris which actually lost a week in a vase. Mine don’t.


Now enough showing off. Back to my weeds.
