Inspection parade

sweet peasI am forever reading about gardeners who come in from their dawn walk around the garden full of the joys of their plants. And then they proceed to spout poetic praise.

I’m just back from a perambulation around my potager and am in a similar elated state. Not due to my thicket of self sown sweet peas. No. The plain fact is I’ve found my secateurs. Hidden under a pile of weeds.

Lost yesterday. And I was baffled as to where they were lying. I really must spray paint them orange. Who ever thought a sensible green would be a suitable colour for garden tools? They obviously aren’t the messy gardener I must confess to be. Spray painted secacteurs


And as soon as I wrote this I went and found some flourescent spray paint and here is the result.

I didn’t need them of course. It was back to the stones today.  I have almost but not quite finished the blighters.

excavating poolFor some reason I decided I needed to dig out one side of the mountain that abutts the decking.  That’s gravity for you. Mountains slide and soil accumulates.

My aim is to remove all the unnecessary soil off the rocks around the farm. And I hadn’t planned to start this job today. It was rather warm work.

But I wanted to dig out the soil that has lurked under the wood for too long. stone washing

It took hours. So long that Artur came down to see what on earth I was doing. And he loves any chance to play in water.

Here he is inspecting each of the buckets where I wash the dirty river stones before putting them back on weedproof fabric.

stones doneBy 7pm I only had three buckets of stones to sort. But it was three buckets too far.  I’m in full blown hayfever season right now; which means I’m exhausted from sneezing all day.

I put away as many tools as I could carry up to the shed. And tomorrow, promise, I will remove the buckets from the lawn.

They have been there for way too many weeks.