Horsing around
It may look odd right now, but here is the newly levelled walnut tree surface. And with a bit of luck it will be easier to mow around the base of the tree. If the grass isn’t short around the base, I never find the nuts when they drop.
And then to go to a further extreme I decided it was time to get to work below the second walnut tree. It didn’t have weeds at its base so much as mighty hummocks of brambles and grass. Out they came. And then for a spot of design inspiration, I have planted three small Hakonechloa macra grasses underneath. If all goes well, they will form a spreading carpet of loveliness. Right now they look grim indeed. And all the while I was working on the weeding I had a little companion. Jean Daniel’s young stallion has escaped. And happily munched around me all day. His mate the other stallion whinnied with disappointment that he hadn’t worked out how to get out, so it was quite a vocal day.