Things not to do while gardening: wearing sandals, wearing shorts, approaching the huge barrel of comfrey and nettle goop with an inattentive air. I was topping up the levels while I was watering the kale.
Splash. I have comfrey splash. That reek that does not leave even after scrubbing, soaking, dosing in Annick Goutal eau de toilette.
I sat down to write that and realized that I must have got comfrey goo on my sandals. There was a waft coming up from my feet. So they have been soaked and scrubbed and are sitting out in the sun. Good thing it’s stinking hot and the sandals should dry soon. I only have one pair. So this blog is being brought to you in my slippers.
I’m trying not to show you repetitive pictures of my aubergine glut.
But I am.
Marvellous. As are the tomatoes.
A daily tomato and basil salad. With buffalo mozzarella if I remember. A drizzle of pomegranate mollases to fun things up.
We have been gorging on my Charlotte potatoes, and the endless dwarf French beans.
And the plants may not produce bumper quantities, but peppers are coming along too.
Right enough showing off. Back to my comfrey barrel. I need to dose the tomatoes so the glut can continue.
Hope all of you in the northern Hemisphere are similarly glutty.