Fast action wall building

3 built low wallWell Dad, how did I do?  You are the dry stone waller of the family.

Here’s my little wall built just before it became too unbearably hot.

I needed assistance with some of the bigger rocks, but I just rummaged in the field of stones around the bank and made it up as I went along.

The top wall was made my Nicolas and is as neat as can be. But my effort is the lower one.  I needed a full stop at the bottom of the slope. Somewhere to frame the eragrostis curvula grasses I have planted.  And quite frankly, it is easier to build a wall with all the rubble than have to haul them away.

Here is a little photo essay to show you the evolution of the project from winter.

0 weeding project2 strimmed pool bank





1 land to sort 1



pre wall