Donner und blitzen

One of the playful features of this part of France is the rather exciting weather fronts that can occasionally plague us. Well you could call it cheap entertainment, as the lightning is more exciting than the village fireworks displays. I was up in the shed this morning when the thunder and lightning storm hit us. The rain came down so quickly and with such vehemance that I had to stay put and actually pot up yet more basil while I waited for the break in the rain. Great for the lawn and the garden. But not for the well being of houseguests. We lost the electricity twice as thunder clapped directly overhead.

Brief foray to the village for the annual festival, then back to the weeding. I was actually looking for garlic in the last quadrant of the vegetable bed that needed major weeding.
At nine pm I finished a last load to the new compost bin, and came back with just a single bulb o garlic. I thought long and hard about posting the picture of the new compost site. In terms of dull and dreary photos it is right up there with the trainspotters. But hey, maybe someone might find it a thrill.