Cherry glut on

Now what do I do? I was happily mowing the first terrace in the gloaming last night, getting exercise pushing a mower along the 150 metre strips of grass when I ran slap bang into a cherry branch. I wasn’t expecting it to be there as it never was before. And the reason? It was groaning with fruit and hence hanging lower than my head. The mower gave a titter and I ruined the ruler straight path and I suddenly realised that there was a crop of cherries within reach and just needing to be picked.

Mower stopped, wheel barrow pushed into service as a makeshift bowl and later as a ladder and that was it. I am in cherry glut. I had to stop as it was getting dark and I couldn’t distinguish between perfect and just going over fruit. I dare not go back down there tomorrow and get more. The fridge won’t hold the fruit. And if I am going into jam production, then I need more sugar and more jars. Oh happy dilemma. I’m off to bed.