Building up the bank beside the road
This is the finishing touch to the fence removal project. You can see that it is wonky.
Every few years when we have a heavy snow fall, our local council employee will roar up with his snow plough and scalp the edges. The verges. And he is very enthusiastic, but not very careful.
I have given up planting narcissus bulbs on this side as they are forever getting scalped.
But when I sit at my desk in my office, or wash up in the kitchen I look down on this bank and it’s a mess. So I have dug out some good topsoil from down the road and covered most of the mess.
It will be a race to get the grass seed sown over this little bank (it’s about thirty feet long, my photo doesn’t do the area justice) before the weeds take over. There are stinging nettles lurking nearby. I must remember to buy a jumbo pack of gazon rustique – a heavy duty grass seed which does well here. There are so many areas of the garden where I need to madly resow.
And the temperature is unseasonably warm for winter. And gloriously sunny.