Bottle brushes – where are you?

What a gusty day. My run round the park was so full of blowing blossom it was quite a treat. Not so good for my little seedlings on the balcony – they have taken a battering. We have had a full day of rain yesterday; perfect for those little nematodes burrowing down into the allotment soil, and for the plants in their pots.  I am growing about 20 little plants upstairs right now. A mix of flowers and vegetables, and they seem to be thriving albeit bent at rather rakish angles from the wind. I do have one tomato plant that blew over in the night, it’s a bit battered, but I think it is hardy.

My roses in containers on the roof terrace wall are thriving. I even picked a whole vase full for the living room which is busily wafting its lovely aroma about.  The purple sprouting broccoli has lived up to its name and is sprouting again – which is a bit of a shame as they are in the same pot as the lilies.

The rosemary in the window boxes are blooming crazily, but there is no sign of the bottle brush flowers. Must look up my garden notes from last year to see when they started blooming last spring.  Pause there. Can’t find the notes. Everything in this office is buried under the Big Project: the climate change film. I have four large files full of information already, and I’m only 100 hours of research into the film. Post it notes plaster one wall, and my lovely chart of the flowers I want to grow at the allotment has been relegated to the notice board.