Australian birds

rosellasI am away at Mt Irvine this weekend. But fear not, I have taken my camera with me. So while there is a pause in the garden scenery, let me give you a photo essay today.  Birds at my father’s feeder.

Meet Heckle and Jekyll. The two tame Lorrikeets that come to the feeder every day. I have no idea which is which. But as I am able to feed them sunflower seeds from my spoon, then I know they are the tame ones.  The rest are wild and wonderful. Shrieking whenever you come close.

Once the 630am crowd departs the shy top knot pigeons will sneak up and eat the husks.cockies

And then we put all the food away as the Enemy approaches. Sulphur crested cockatoos. These are birds you tame at your peril. Huge beasts. The sound of their screach can take the enamel off your teeth.

And lest Arch is looking down at me appalled I have let the cockies anywhere near his feeder, fear not. There is no food in the bowl. And I just wanted to take one shot of them before I shoo’d them off.