A splash of colour
I’ve realised that the last few posts are a thrilling shade of brown. With glimpses of green. And one small grey cat.
So here’s some colour. The original hedge. The clash of pyracantha and the acers is a bit much.
I had hoped the pyracantha berries were red – that was on the label. But orange they are. I’d move them but it would kill me to lift them; they have the most amazing thorns.
For now they lift the spirits as they clash so much with the rest of the hedge. And I can do with a laugh.
Katherine Krumwiede
29th October 2013 @ 10:53 pm
Dear Lindy,
The flood and avalanche were a mighty display of Nature’s power, but your tenacity and resiliency in re-building is even more impressive. And, you’ve kept your sense of humor; thank goodness that (and Artur) didn’t get washed away.
Adapt, Adjust or Improvise – wise words from a former co-worker of mine. They come in handy in times like you’re experiencing.
30th October 2013 @ 8:33 am
Thank you Katherine. This has been a long, long week. I will try my best to Adapt, Adjust or Improvise!
30th October 2013 @ 6:08 pm
I only have very strong women as friends, of which you are both perfect evidence.
30th October 2013 @ 8:15 pm
Thank you Sarah. I’m touched.