A shedload of mess

House in the treesHappy New Year to you all.   And well might you say about time too. Many of you may know that I have been here in France, and in the garden for more than a week now. And no news.   Lazy, busy and I blame a cold office.

But it’s the day for resolutions and writing up the day’s notes are the second tick off the list. The first was the biggy and it took all day. I cleaned my shed.

I don’t dare give you a before picture. Just the look on Andrew’s face as he poked his head in yesterday ought to have been enough for any guilt stricken gardener.   Since October or so I have been under the dream of upgrading the chicken shed and turning it Cinderella you will go to the ball into a real potting shed / green house. I was kept awake planning and plotting designs. I have pondered flooring. I have even tried to track down cheap windows in depot vente shops.winter potager

Nothing to hold me back except for the skills of a carpenter or a builder to get the structure moving along. Concrete footings, beams, all sorts of things that baffle me, and made me turn to the large number of clever carpenters in the area. And the result? Everyone is too busy. It looks as though Dario – my first choice – is not going to be able to get anywhere near the project until mid June at least. (There is the small matter of major renovations on the guest house first.)

Potting shed winter 09So I have been neglecting the shed for months. Lobbing in tools and plants and generally being a complete slattern. But today it is back to a semblance of order.   And it took a day.

Pat on back, cold glass of beer, and now on with the rest of the week’s news.