Wild life two
My day started with the sighting of a young fox on the path just beyond the barn; and ended with a wild boar charging along the fourth terrace below the house and off into the forest. Wonderful.
And better still, the hare hasn’t breached the potager nets. So it’s good wild life all round today.
And I had a great day too. I watered lavishly first thing in the morning; ably assisted by the deputy water supervisor. He loves nothing more than climbing onto my lap and watching the water come out of the hose. It does mean I get a bit stuck in a few areas – the cabbages had a longer water than they really need – but I can’t push the dear cat off; it must be his favourite event of the entire day.
I then surged up to the potting shed for a well needed clean and sort. And a water.
All the poor plants are so parched in there as I haven’t added the greenhouse shading to the polycarbonate roof. I’ll do that tomorrow.
But it felt so good to be in there at last and really cleaning and organising.
I can’t believe how many plants I still have growng on; but this is a strange late season. There are just the veg plants which haven’t gone out. And I have plenty of flowers still deciding whether to put on roots and romp away.
I also had a ball sorting out my little Australian plant collection: that is anigozanthus. And eucalyptus seedlings. The kangaroo paws are actually putting on growth (this is their second year) and may surprise me by flowering. We shall see. Right now they are at the front door of the potting shed; I opened both French window doors today to get as much breeze in as possible. But I will place them somewhere else tomorrow.
I have a few more hours to go in there but it felt great putting all my gardening books in their little bookshelf and brushing the spider webs and grit off the cushions on my chaise longue. If I’m lucky, Artur might find it an acceptably clean home again and return to snooze. But he needs a cool breeze in this warm weather.
So that was my day. Wonderfully productive and happy. More tomorrow please.