Wild flowerings
Now this is exciting in a small, bend down and really peer hard sort of way. Last September I scattered oodles and oodles of cornflower and poppy seeds in this top part of the bank above the pool. At the very bottom everything blooms like mad. But I really need some more variety futher up. This is to make something more alluring while the pennisetums decide whether they are to thrive and until I can plant more eragrostis.
I have actually hundreds of little seedlings inside the potting shed also waiting to go out. But I thought it might be an idea to have a look and see if any germinated from the broadcast seed sowing. And there are plenty. Really exciting to see how they will do in the late spring and summer. If all goes well this will be a bank of cornflowers and poppies. Hurrah.
How about this for some lovely winter sun on the duck pond. Positively glowing.