When wild boar get the munchies
If you ever complained about a mole messing up your gorgeous lawn, have a look at this. It’s like moles on steroids.
I didn’t notice the damage right away. In fact it was only when I was walking down to the stables with Bebere our builder did I see some strange churning down at the hornbeam hedge.
And then in front of us was the orchard.
Oh my. It’s a mess. I guess the wild boar troupe (I just can’t bring myself to calling them a sounder of boar, it doesn’t flow on the page or off the tongue) had a lovely time.
They are omnivores, so they were probably rootling about for cockchafer grubs. So part of me thinks, oh good, I could do with fewer grubs. They are big fat juicy grubs which live underground and are partial to my tree roots.
But to reach them they seemed to have gone through an awful lot of the garden.
I will have to set aside a morning putting back all the turf and stamping down to return these lovely lawns to a semblance of order.
I just hope the boar don’t return again tonight. I’m way too busy with My List to have to add major repair work as well.
17th November 2014 @ 8:11 pm
Glad that is one problem we don’t have to worry about. Are they nocturnal? Hate to come face-to-face with one of those in the garden.
17th November 2014 @ 9:21 pm
Hey Dan, they are nocturnal. Or crepuscular I think is the term. They like to go at things at dusk and at dawn. I didn’t hear a thing.