View from the cutting garden
I never can do these flowers justice. I ought to be standing on a tall step ladder and snapping these pictures at dawn.
The cutting garden is about ten metres long (30 feet) and a metre wide. And is the last garden bed in my potager, just beside the lawn.
And it’s crammed with goodies all sown from seed. I don’t bother thinning, they have to fight it out for themselves.
Dahlias, cosmos, tall marigolds, sunflowers, nicotiana, tithonia and rudbeckias.
I need to uproot the last of the broad beans which I harvested last week and that might give some of the flowers a chance to grow a bit sideways.
They were growing on the far right of this narrow bed. And somewhere under there are swiss chard and some self sown coriander. I’ve never had such wonderful flowers for the house.
And may I boast? I’m almost running out of vases. I give six bouquets away on Thursdays at the market, and one bucket of flowers for Elodie every week. And still there’s more than enough to take up to my neighbours. I think I can finally say that I’ve successfully fulfilled my greatest wish to have abundant Flowers For The House.