The summer potting shed
Here’s a part of the garden you haven’t seen since Spring.
The mighty potting shed. Doing what is called for. It contains lots and lots of pots.

I decided to pot up a lot of the sempervivums in the little pots from Andrew.
Mainly because the endless empty pots on the outside looked a touch forlorn.

And it’s fun to have something living on the outside (apart from the Virginia creeper).
Inside it’s way too crammed. Some summers I am so organised there is nothing inside apart from a snoozing cat and lots of empty pots.
This year…

… I have plants which I just don’t dare plants out into the heatwave weather. These mighty Warrigal Greens are plumping up. But I will keep them as indoor beauties.
I have kale babies that are not thriving but are alive. Which is a positive thing.
There are cuttings, seedlings…
All in all a rather busy place.
And the citrus have settled into a comfortable routine.

They get a good dose once a week of water plus nettle and borage tea.
And I’m misting them daily with water.

And I even have a crop.
So I’m relieved. I never expected I could keep citrus fruit alive. We shall have to see if they survive winter.
I could have been really organised and cleared away all the crates and fallen pots in this shot. But hey. Too busy. Too hot…