Still ‘en vacances’

Where on earth did September 2020 go?

Well, yes.

If you told me that we could just erase September from our memories and move on, I’d be up for that. I’m going to gloss over lots of it. And tell you just the good bits. We went back to the Alps for a mini holiday.

Walking and camping and putting in some hard hours trekking.

And back at the farm we made progress on the house building front.

The scaffolding is down. Cause for celebration indeed. And the solar panels are on the roof. And I have done the first coat on the ceiling.

The dahlias continue to delight. But I was not there to enjoy them.

The rest of the month has been spent in quarantine.

Ah, 2020.

But instead of moaning about the enforced indoors activity I offer you some marvellous images of what I got up to while stuck inside our house in London.

Wait, what? London. Yes, I had to travel back here to attend some medical things. And for five days of ‘out’ I had to spend 14 days ‘in’.

If you discount being forced to do my laps inside the house for an hour each day…

Note the scribble of ‘laps’ on my Strava feed…

I achieved some marvellous things.

I tell you if the blank notebooks stood still, they were huddling in corners, quivering in horror at my mad approach, they were snatched up, covered in paper, stacked, photographed and admired.

Moths died. Cobwebs disappeared into vacuum cleaners. Clothes were tidied and edited. Folded and put away. Charity bags of books are stacked awaiting collection. Freezers defrosted and replenished.

I had so much fun doing things I always promised I would get around to (hello, tax return) I can happily say my London life is Sorted.

And I even find I have twice the amount of Japanese decorative papers than when I arrived. How on earth does that happen?

Stay tuned. Next week I show you how to cut a lawn with…. scissors.