Seeing grasses in a new low light

miscanthus end septI just think September is my favourite month in the northern hemisphere.  There is something about the weather being still warm, but with the extra excitement of seeing a lot of the garden in a slightly different light.

The angles are lower. So many garden plants end up backlit in a way that would make any lighting cameraman proud.

Take the miscanthus hedge that abuts the lawn. The flowers are just glowing at this time of year. Flowers? Pannicles? I’m writing this on the train to London so I can’t look up the correct term. But the huge tall flowering spikes make you smile in the afternoon as they glow and glow. long view miscanthus

The hedge was a compromise when we tired of shelling out for yet more stone walls.

I had no idea there were underground springs right beside the lawn. but now that I read the landscape a bit better I should have realised this granite terraces often have springs at their base.

So these miscanthus have shot up and plumped out and it would take a digger to move them now.

grasses septI’m trying to get them to blend in (hah, they are over eight feet tall) with the eragrostis garsses on the slope behind. But I will need a few more years for the grasses above to put on enough growth to try and catch up in height.

For now I just try not to look too critically at the huge plants.  On the far right there is a missing grass as it’s just rock here. And I have been trying to build up the topsoil, but it’s a slow process.